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Farming Tips: How to Properly Use Garlic to Raise Chicken

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Farming Tips: How to Properly Use Garlic to Raise Chicken养殖技巧:如何正确使用大蒜养鸡

      Garlic is a commonly used ingredient in daily life. Adding some garlic to stir fry can make the dish more fragrant and delicious. Adding garlic to the meat can make it more tender. Garlic can be used as a seasoning for dishes or to marinate sugar garlic. When eating noodles in the north, eating garlic while eating noodles is also a flavor. Eating garlic can effectively disinfect and prevent diseases.大蒜是日常生活中常用的食材。加一些大蒜炒可以使这道菜更香,更美味。肉里加大蒜可以使它更嫩。大蒜可以用作菜肴的调味料,也可以用来腌制糖蒜。北方吃面,边吃面边吃蒜也是一种风味。吃大蒜能有效消毒,预防疾病。

pharmacological action  药理作用

      The active ingredient of garlic is allicin, which is a volatile and spicy light yellow volatile oily substance found in its bulbs and leaves. Therefore, garlic straw is widely used in fumigation and disinfection of livestock and poultry pens. The main components of allicin are propylene trisulfide (trisulfide) and propylene disulfide (disulfide), which can kill bacteria, clear plague and detoxify. It has strong bactericidal power, broad-spectrum antibacterial properties, good biological properties, low irritation, no toxic side effects, and can enhance animal disease resistance. The effective ingredients of allicin can enter the cytoplasm through the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria and react with cysteine, causing bacteria to be unable to undergo biological oxidation due to the lack of cysteine, thus preventing normal metabolism of pathogenic bacteria; In addition, allicin inhibits the activity of thiol enzymes that microorganisms rely on for growth and reproduction, making it difficult for bacteria to achieve logarithmic growth, thus playing a role in inhibiting or killing bacteria. Therefore, allicin is an ecological alternative to antibiotics. It can avoid the multiple shortcomings of traditional antibiotics such as resistance, high residue, and side effects, and should be vigorously promoted and applied in production.大蒜的有效成分是大蒜素,它是一种易挥发的、辛辣的淡黄色挥发性油性物质,存在于大蒜的球茎和叶子中。因此,大蒜秸秆被广泛应用于畜禽围栏的熏蒸消毒。大蒜素的主要成分是三硫化丙烯(三硫化物)和二硫化丙烯(二硫化物),具有杀菌、清鼠疫、解毒等作用。具有杀菌力强,抗菌性能广谱,生物性能好,刺激性低,无毒副作用,可增强动物抗病能力。大蒜素的有效成分可通过致病菌的细胞膜进入细胞质,与半胱氨酸发生反应,使细菌因缺乏半胱氨酸而无法进行生物氧化,从而阻止致病菌的正常代谢;此外,大蒜素抑制微生物生长繁殖所依赖的硫醇酶的活性,使细菌难以达到对数生长,从而起到抑制或杀死细菌的作用。因此,大蒜素是一种生态的抗生素替代品。它可以避免传统抗生素耐药、高残留、副作用等多重缺点,应在生产中大力推广应用。

      Garlic can not only be used as a food ingredient, but also in medicine for purification and effective production of fungicides; When farming, feeding garlic to animals can effectively sterilize and prevent diseases. Due to its pungent odor, it can also be used to control mosquitoes. It can be said that garlic is a treasure all over, but do you know the wonderful use of garlic in chicken farming?大蒜不仅可以作为食品原料,还可以在医药中用于提纯和有效生产杀菌剂;在养殖时,给动物喂大蒜可以有效地消毒和预防疾病。由于其刺鼻的气味,它也可以用来控制蚊子。可以说大蒜是天下之宝,但你知道大蒜在养鸡中的奇妙用途吗?

1、 Increase the appetite of chickens1、增加鸡的食欲

     During the process of raising chickens, there is often a phenomenon of loss of appetite in the flock, and feeding some garlic at this time can stimulate the appetite of the chickens. Garlic has a pungent odor. During the process of raising chickens, garlic is ground into powder and mixed with feed in a 3% ratio. After mixing, it can be directly used to feed chickens and effectively improve their loss of appetite.在养鸡的过程中,经常会出现鸡群食欲不振的现象,这时喂一些大蒜可以刺激鸡的食欲。大蒜有刺鼻的气味。在养鸡的过程中,大蒜被磨成粉末,以3%的比例与饲料混合。混合后可直接用于喂鸡,有效改善鸡的食欲不振。

2、 Improve the quality of chicken meat

     Improving the quality of eggs and chicken eggs mainly relies on the C, H, - S (0) group, which is contained in the sulfide compound of allicin. Therefore, adding allicin to chicken feed can increase the aroma components in chicken and eggs, producing delicious flavored eggs and chicken. So, rural free range chickens attach great importance to the application of garlic powder. In addition to disease prevention and growth promotion, it can also improve muscle quality.提高鸡蛋和鸡蛋的品质主要依靠大蒜素的硫化物化合物中所含的C, H, - S(0)基团。因此,在鸡饲料中添加大蒜素可以增加鸡肉和鸡蛋中的香气成分,生产出美味的风味鸡蛋和鸡肉。因此,农村散养鸡对大蒜粉的应用十分重视。除了预防疾病和促进生长外,还可以改善肌肉质量。提高鸡蛋和鸡蛋的品质主要依靠大蒜素的硫化物化合物中所含的C, H, - S(0)基团。因此,在鸡饲料中添加大蒜素可以增加鸡肉和鸡蛋中的香气成分,生产出美味的风味鸡蛋和鸡肉。因此,农村散养鸡对大蒜粉的应用十分重视。除了预防疾病和促进生长外,还可以改善肌肉质量。

     In daily chicken feeding, grinding garlic into powder and mixing it in the feed can effectively stimulate the appetite of the chicken, improve its immunity, make the feathers of the raised chicken brighter, and make the chicken more compact and delicious. Such chickens are often loved by consumers.在日常养鸡中,将大蒜磨成粉末,混合在饲料中,可以有效刺激鸡的食欲,提高其免疫力,使饲养的鸡的羽毛更加鲜亮,使鸡肉更加致密可口。这样的鸡经常受到消费者的喜爱。

3、 Garlic paired with Sichuan pepper effectively repels mites and parasites3、大蒜配花椒能有效驱螨驱寄生虫

     The volatile sulfur-containing compounds in allicin can repel mosquitoes and flies from biting and sucking feed and animal manure. Allicin is converted into allicin through the action of enzymes in the body. After being excreted from the body, it can prevent and inhibit the growth of fly larvae, reducing the spread of diseases. Improve the surrounding environment. Therefore, during the season when mosquitoes and flies breed, it is advisable to add garlic powder to the diet, which can increase to 2% to 3%. When the effective concentration of allicin in the body reaches a certain level, it has an inhibitory effect on various parasites in chickens, especially chicken coccidia. If mosquitoes and flies are found disturbing the chicken coop, garlic straw can be burned and fumigated to drive out mosquitoes and flies, reducing the risk of infectious diseases.大蒜素中的挥发性含硫化合物可以驱赶蚊子和苍蝇,使其不叮咬和吮吸饲料和动物粪便。蒜素通过体内酶的作用转化为蒜素。从体内排出后,可预防和抑制蝇幼虫的生长,减少疾病的传播。改善周边环境。因此,在蚊、蝇孳生的季节,宜在日粮中添加大蒜粉,可增加到2% ~ 3%。当体内大蒜素的有效浓度达到一定水平时,对鸡体内的各种寄生虫,尤其是鸡球虫有抑制作用。如果发现鸡舍里有蚊蝇出没,可以将大蒜秸秆焚烧熏蒸,驱赶蚊蝇,降低传染病的风险。

     After the Sichuan peppercorns mature, we collect and sort them, sun dry them, grind them into powder. After the garlic is ripe, we also pick, sort, clean them, sun dry and grind them into powder. We mix 0.6% Sichuan peppercorns powder and 1.1% garlic powder into the feed to form a mixed feed. We feed the chicken continuously for about a week, which can effectively drive away parasites and mites.花椒成熟后,我们将其收集整理,晒干,磨成粉。大蒜成熟后,我们还要采摘、分类、清洗、晒干、磨成粉。在饲料中加入0.6%的花椒粉和1.1%的大蒜粉,形成混合饲料。我们连续喂鸡一个星期左右,这样可以有效地赶走寄生虫和螨虫。花椒成熟后,我们将其收集整理,晒干,磨成粉。大蒜成熟后,我们还要采摘、分类、清洗、晒干、磨成粉。在饲料中加入0.6%的花椒粉和1.1%的大蒜粉,形成混合饲料。我们连续喂鸡一个星期左右,这样可以有效地赶走寄生虫和螨虫。

4、 Garlic paired with brown sugar can effectively replenish qi and blood for chickens, warming the uterus4、大蒜配红糖可有效补鸡气血,暖子宫

    After the garlic is ripe, it is picked, washed, sun dried, and then ground into powder. Garlic is added to the feed in a mixed ratio of 1.3%, and brown sugar is mixed into the feed in a ratio of 0.6%. It should be stirred evenly and fed to the chicken continuously for about a week. Especially when the hen completes mating, feeding these mixed feeds can effectively supplement the hen's qi and blood, warm the uterus, and increase the chicken's egg production rate, which has a good effect.大蒜成熟后,将其采摘,清洗,晒干,然后磨成粉末。饲料中以1.3%的混合比例添加大蒜,饲料中以0.6%的比例添加红糖。搅拌均匀,连续喂鸡一周左右。特别是当母鸡完成配种后,饲喂这些混合饲料,可以有效补充母鸡的气血,温暖子宫,提高鸡的产蛋率,效果很好。

5、 Garlic paired with white sugar to prevent chicken colds and diarrhea5、大蒜配白糖可预防鸡感冒腹泻

     Take about 3 garlic cloves and mash them into garlic puree. Put them in 500ml of 0.1% saline solution and soak for about 120 minutes. Filter the garlic puree with appropriate gauze and keep it well. Then, take 20 grams of white sugar and add it to 100ml of water. Stir well until the sugar is fully dissolved in water. Mix the two and feed them directly to the chicken. The remaining garlic puree can be used as feed to the chicken. Feeding the chicken with this water continuously for about a week can effectively treat problems such as colds, indigestion, and gastrointestinal diseases in the chicken flock.取3瓣蒜,捣成蒜泥。放入500ml 0.1%生理盐水中浸泡约120分钟。用合适的纱布过滤蒜泥,保存好。然后,取20克白糖,加入100毫升水中。搅拌均匀,直到糖完全溶解在水中。将两者混合,直接喂给鸡。剩下的蒜泥可以用来喂鸡。用这种水连续喂养鸡一周左右,可以有效治疗鸡群的感冒、消化不良、胃肠道疾病等问题。

6、 Fumigation 6、熏蒸

      In cases where the chicken coop is damp, toxic gases are abundant, ammonia is pungent, parasites, and mosquitoes and flies are breeding, a smoked chicken coop can be lit with garlic straw and mugwort leaves. It should be sealed for 2-3 hours and carried out during leisure time. Afterwards, promote air convection for 30 minutes before entering the chicken. This method can deodorize, sterilize, and repel mosquitoes and flies, achieving multiple benefits in one go.在鸡舍潮湿、有毒气体多、氨气刺鼻、寄生虫、蚊蝇孳生的情况下,可以用蒜秆和艾叶点燃烟熏鸡舍。应密封2-3小时,在闲暇时间进行。之后,促进空气对流30分钟后再入鸡。此方法除臭、杀菌、驱蚊、驱蝇,一举多得。

      Garlic has a wide range of uses and can be effectively used in the breeding industry when used well. It can be used for sterilization and anti-inflammatory purposes, preventing gastrointestinal diseases, improving immunity, and so on. If you are interested in allicin, you can contact me for a quote大蒜具有广泛的用途,如果使用得当,可以有效地用于养殖业。可用于杀菌消炎,预防胃肠道疾病,提高免疫力等。如果你对大蒜素感兴趣,你可以联系我报价大蒜具有广泛的用途,如果使用得当,可以有效地用于养殖业。可用于杀菌消炎,预防胃肠道疾病,提高免疫力等。如果你对大蒜素感兴趣,你可以联系我报价大蒜具有广泛的用途,如果使用得当,可以有效地用于养殖业。可用于杀菌消炎,预防胃肠道疾病,提高免疫力等。如果你对大蒜素感兴趣,你可以联系我报价







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