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The effect of yeast hydrolysates on pets

0 Author 2024-06-11 08:52:00

The effect of yeast hydrolysates 酵母玉米胚芽蛋白酶解物 on pets酵母水解物对宠物的影响

      Nowadays, most people keep pets, and as pet owners, we attach great importance to their health. The following yeast hydrolysate has the effects of enhancing immunity, promoting intestinal health, and promoting skin and hair health for pets.现在,大多数人都养宠物,作为宠物的主人,我们非常重视他们的健康。以下酵母水解物具有增强免疫力,促进肠道健康,促进宠物皮肤和毛发健康的作用。

      Yeast hydrolysate 酵母水解液 is a very beneficial nutrient that can enhance pet immunity, promote intestinal health, and promote skin and hair health. This component is obtained through autolysis or enzymatic hydrolysis, and is rich in nucleotides, small peptides, digestive enzymes, etc. These components play an important role in the body of pets.酵母水解物是一种非常有益的营养素,可以增强宠物免疫力,促进肠道健康,促进皮肤和毛发健康。该成分通过自溶或酶解获得,含有丰富的核苷酸、小肽、消化酶等。这些成分在宠物体内起着重要的作用。

      Enhancing immunity: Nucleotides in yeast hydrolysates can promote intestinal damage repair, development and maturation, enhance intestinal immune function, protect small intestinal cells from attack, and reduce the occurrence of intestinal inflammation. At the same time, they can improve animal antioxidant capacity, participate in animal immunity and lipoprotein synthesis, thereby improving the overall immunity of pets.增强免疫力:酵母水解物中的核苷酸可以促进肠道损伤的修复、发育和成熟,增强肠道免疫功能,保护小肠细胞不受攻击,减少肠道炎症的发生。同时还能提高动物抗氧化能力,参与动物免疫和脂蛋白合成,从而提高宠物的整体免疫力。

      Promoting intestinal health: Small peptides in yeast hydrolysates promote the absorption of amino acids, accelerate protein synthesis, promote the absorption of mineral elements, play a very important role in the absorption and transportation of iron, improve animal immunity, enhance the secretion and activity of digestive enzymes, promote intestinal mucosal development, reduce the release of ammonia and toxic ammonia in the posterior segment of the large intestine, fully reflecting the positive impact on pet intestinal health.促进肠道健康:酵母水解物中的小肽促进氨基酸的吸收,加速蛋白质的合成,促进矿物元素的吸收,在铁的吸收和运输中起着非常重要的作用,提高动物免疫力,增强消化酶的分泌和活性,促进肠粘膜发育,减少大肠后段氨和有毒氨的释放。充分体现对宠物肠道健康的积极影响。

      Promoting skin and hair health: Yeast hydrolysates are not only beneficial for pet intestinal health, but also indirectly promote skin and hair health by enhancing immunity and promoting intestinal health. A healthy gut helps with the absorption and utilization of nutrients, thereby supporting the healthy state of the skin and hair.促进皮肤和头发健康:酵母水解物不仅有利于宠物肠道健康,而且通过增强免疫力和促进肠道健康间接促进皮肤和头发健康。健康的肠道有助于营养物质的吸收和利用,从而支持皮肤和头发的健康状态。

      Therefore, when choosing pet food, products containing yeast hydrolysates are a worthwhile choice to consider as they can provide comprehensive nutritional support for pets and promote their overall health.因此,在选择宠物食品时,含有酵母水解物的产品是值得考虑的选择,因为它们可以为宠物提供全面的营养支持,促进它们的整体健康。

      If you would like to learn more about products related to pet dietary health 宠物饮食健康, you can contact us to provide you with more product choices如果您想了解更多与宠物饮食健康相关的产品,您可以联系我们,为您提供更多的产品选择


Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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