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The effect of Bacillus pumilus on plants

0 Author 2024-07-03 09:43:50

The effect of Bacillus pumilus on plants矮芽孢杆菌对植物的影响

      Bacillus pumilus 杆菌、 has various positive effects on plants, including enhancing soil nutrients, promoting plant growth, enhancing plant disease resistance, reducing heavy metal content in plants, and serving as a strain for improving saline alkali soil.短小芽孢杆菌对植物具有增强土壤养分、促进植物生长、增强植物抗病性、降低植物重金属含量、作为改良盐碱地的菌株等多种积极作用。

      Enhancing soil nutrients and promoting plant growth: Bacillus pumilus can significantly increase the degradation rate of plant straw and increase the content of available nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements in the soil. In addition, it has a significant promoting effect on the growth of plants such as Arabidopsis, tobacco, soybeans, and chili peppers, manifested in promoting seed germination, promoting the growth of roots, buds, and seedlings.增强土壤养分,促进植物生长:短小芽孢杆菌能显著提高植物秸秆的降解速度,提高土壤中速效氮、磷等元素的含量。此外,它对拟南芥、烟草、大豆、辣椒等植物的生长也有显著的促进作用,表现为促进种子发芽,促进根、芽、苗的生长。

      Enhance plant disease resistance: Bacillus pumilus can induce tobacco, cucumber and other plants to develop resistance to systemic virus disease and bacterial leaf spot disease and other leaf diseases, thereby reducing the incidence rate of plant bacterial disease, fungal disease and viral disease.增强植物抗病能力:短小芽孢杆菌可诱导烟草、黄瓜等植物对全身性病毒病和细菌性叶斑病等叶片病害产生抗性,从而降低植物细菌性病、真菌性病和病毒性病的发病率。

      Reducing the content of heavy metals in plants: Bacillus pumilus has an adsorption effect on cadmium in the soil, thereby reducing the absorption of cadmium by rice roots and reducing the concentration of cadmium in rice seeds.降低植物重金属含量:短小芽孢杆菌对土壤中的镉有吸附作用,从而减少水稻根系对镉的吸收,降低水稻种子中镉的浓度。

      As a salt alkali soil improvement strain: Under salt stress conditions, inoculation with Bacillus pumilus can promote the growth of licorice and alleviate the damage of salt stress to licorice. In addition, it can also enhance the antioxidant enzyme activity of crops such as soybeans, wheat, tomatoes, and corn, enhance their ability to clear reactive oxygen species, enhance their salt resistance, and promote plant growth and development.作为盐碱土壤改良菌株:在盐胁迫条件下,接种短小芽孢杆菌可促进甘草生长,减轻盐胁迫对甘草的伤害。此外,还能提高大豆、小麦、番茄、玉米等作物的抗氧化酶活性,增强其清除活性氧的能力,增强其抗盐性,促进植物生长发育。

      These effects make Bacillus pumilus have potential important application value in agricultural production and plant protection.这些作用使得短小芽孢杆菌在农业生产和植物保护方面具有潜在的重要应用价值。这些作用使得短小芽孢杆菌在农业生产和植物保护方面具有潜在的重要应用价值。这些作用使得短小芽孢杆菌在农业生产和植物保护方面具有潜在的重要应用价值。这些作用使得短小芽孢杆菌在农业生产和植物保护方面具有潜在的重要应用价值。





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