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The effect and efficacy of yeast extract on livestock

0 Author 2024-05-17 13:45:34

The effect and efficacy of yeast extract on livestock酵母浸膏对家畜的影响及功效酵母浸膏对家畜的影响及功效

    Yeast extract is a common feed ingredient widely used in the livestock and poultry breeding industry. It is a natural extract obtained by special treatment of yeast, which has rich nutritional components and good biological activity.酵母提取物是一种广泛应用于畜禽养殖业的常用饲料原料。它是酵母经特殊处理得到的天然提取物,具有丰富的营养成分和良好的生物活性。


    Firstly, yeast extract is rich in various minerals and vitamins, such as zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin B group, etc., which are crucial for the normal growth and health of livestock and poultry. Especially zinc and iron, which are important components of many enzymes, can promote the metabolism of livestock and improve immunity and disease resistance. Vitamin B group can promote the digestion, absorption, and energy metabolism of livestock and poultry, playing an important role in the utilization of feed.首先,酵母提取物中含有丰富的多种矿物质和维生素,如锌、铁、钙、维生素B群等,对畜禽的正常生长和健康至关重要。尤其是锌和铁,它们是许多酶的重要组成部分,可以促进牲畜的新陈代谢,提高免疫力和抗病能力。维生素B群能促进畜禽的消化吸收和能量代谢,对饲料的利用具有重要作用。

    Secondly, yeast extract is rich in some important functional components, such as nucleic acids, peptides, and enzymes. Among them, nucleic acid is an important raw material for protein synthesis and cell proliferation, which can promote the growth, development, and tissue repair of livestock and poultry. Peptides have antioxidant and antibacterial effects, which can improve the intestinal environment of livestock and poultry, and enhance intestinal health. The enzymes in yeast extract can increase the digestibility of feed, improve feed conversion efficiency, reduce feed waste, and lower feed costs.其次,酵母提取物富含一些重要的功能成分,如核酸、多肽和酶。其中核酸是蛋白质合成和细胞增殖的重要原料,能促进畜禽的生长发育和组织修复。多肽具有抗氧化和抗菌作用,可改善畜禽肠道环境,增进肠道健康。酵母浸膏中的酶能提高饲料消化率,提高饲料转化效率,减少饲料浪费,降低饲料成本。

    Finally, yeast extract also has certain biological activity and functional effects. It can regulate the immune system of livestock and poultry, enhance the body's disease resistance, reduce the risk of disease occurrence. At the same time, it can also increase the appetite and food intake of livestock and poultry, promote muscle growth, and improve meat quality and quality. In addition, yeast extract can also improve the production performance of livestock and poultry, increase egg and litter production rates, and improve the feeding efficiency of broilers.最后,酵母提取物还具有一定的生物活性和功能效应。能调节畜禽免疫系统,增强机体抗病能力,降低疾病发生的风险。同时还能增加畜禽的食欲和进食量,促进肌肉生长,改善肉质和品质。此外,酵母浸膏还能提高畜禽生产性能,提高产蛋率和产仔率,提高肉鸡的饲养效率。

    In summary, yeast extract plays an important role as an important feed ingredient in animal husbandry. It has rich nutritional and functional components, which can promote the growth and development of livestock and poultry, improve immunity and disease resistance, improve meat quality and quality, and increase egg and litter production rates. Therefore, adding yeast extract in an appropriate amount to the feed formula can effectively improve feeding efficiency, reduce feed costs, and achieve sustainable development of the breeding industry.综上所述,酵母提取物作为一种重要的饲料原料在畜牧业中发挥着重要的作用。具有丰富的营养和功能成分,能促进畜禽生长发育,提高免疫力和抗病能力,改善肉质和品质,提高产蛋率和产仔率。因此,在饲料配方中添加适量酵母提取物,可有效提高饲养效率,降低饲料成本,实现养殖业的可持续发展。


Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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