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The benefits of feeding highly active dry yeast in animal production

0 Author 2024-05-18 08:49:53

The benefits of feeding highly active dry yeast 活性干酵母in animal production饲喂高活性干酵母在动物生产中的益处饲喂高活性干酵母在动物生产中的益处

Yeast is a probiotic that combines nutritional and health functions.酵母是一种兼具营养和健康功能的益生菌。

Traditional yeast derived bio feed utilizes the nutritional function of yeast, which is rich in protein, amino acids, and active substances in the yeast body. This function was applied earlier in the animal husbandry industry.传统酵母衍生生物饲料利用酵母的营养功能,酵母体内含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸和活性物质。这一功能较早地应用于畜牧业。

In the late 1960s, the first International Single Cell Protein Conference held in the United States proposed the direct production of feed using yeast as a feed ingredient.20世纪60年代末,在美国召开的第一届国际单细胞蛋白会议上,提出以酵母作为饲料原料直接生产饲料。

The number of yeast cells in qualified feed yeast is at least 15 billion per gram.合格的饲料酵母每克至少含有150亿个酵母细胞。合格的饲料酵母每克至少含有150亿个酵母细胞。

So, what are the benefits of direct application of highly active dry yeast in animal production?那么,在动物生产中直接应用高活性干酵母有什么好处呢?

Advantages of feeding highly active dry yeast 活性干酵母饲喂高活性干酵母的优点饲喂高活性干酵母的优点

1. The protein content is high and must be rich in amino acids. The protein content in every 100kg of dry yeast is equivalent to the protein content in 500kg of rice, over 200kg of soybeans, and over 200kg of pork. It is a high-quality single-cell protein feed.1. 蛋白质含量高,必须富含氨基酸。每100公斤干酵母的蛋白质含量相当于500公斤大米、200公斤以上大豆和200公斤以上猪肉的蛋白质含量。是一种优质的单细胞蛋白饲料。

The content of 8 essential amino acids in feed yeast is very close to that in fish meal. Especially in yeast cells, there is abundant lysine, which can solve the problem of insufficient lysine in feed.饲料酵母中8种必需氨基酸的含量与鱼粉中的含量非常接近。特别是酵母细胞中含有丰富的赖氨酸,可以解决饲料中赖氨酸不足的问题。

2. Produce multiple enzymes and bioactive substances2. 产生多种酶和生物活性物质

During the process of reproduction and growth, yeast can produce various active enzymes, such as pepsin, amylase, cellulase, and phytase. After feeding, it can promote the transformation of macromolecular organic matter into small molecules, thereby improving feed utilization efficiency and reducing environmental pollution.酵母在繁殖和生长过程中,可产生多种活性酶,如胃蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶、植酸酶等。饲喂后可促进大分子有机物向小分子转化,从而提高饲料利用效率,减少环境污染。

Feed yeast contains abundant B vitamins, which are much higher in content than fish meal and meat meal. In addition, it also contains various acid resistant active substances that are not easily damaged in the stomach and can enter the intestine to exert active effects.饲料酵母含有丰富的B族维生素,其含量远高于鱼粉和肉粉。此外,它还含有各种耐酸活性物质,在胃中不易受损,能进入肠道发挥积极作用。

3. Promote the development of immune organs and enhance the body's immunity3. 促进免疫器官发育,增强机体免疫力

Antibiotic growth promoting feed additives, which can inhibit and damage animal immune systems and organs, will be banned from production starting from July 1, 2020.从2020年7月1日起,将禁止生产能抑制和损害动物免疫系统和器官的促进抗生素生长的饲料添加剂。

Yeast is superior to feed additives such as antibiotics. It not only promotes the development and maturation of immune organs, but also enhances immune cell activity, improves immune efficiency, and reduces the invasion of exogenous pathogenic bacteria.酵母优于抗生素等饲料添加剂。它不仅能促进免疫器官的发育成熟,还能增强免疫细胞活性,提高免疫效率,减少外源致病菌的侵袭。

4. Mature yeast production process, stable quality, and cost reduction4. 酵母生产工艺成熟,质量稳定,降低成本

With the mature application of biotechnology in recent years, yeast reproduction efficiency has been higher, production processes have become more mature, and costs have gradually decreased. The price of yeast is much lower than commonly used feed additives such as soybeans and fish meal.近年来随着生物技术的成熟应用,酵母的繁殖效率越来越高,生产工艺越来越成熟,成本也逐渐降低。酵母的价格远低于常用的饲料添加剂,如大豆和鱼粉。

Therefore, the addition and application of highly active dry yeast in animal production can not only improve feed quality and nutritional value, but also improve feed utilization efficiency, thereby promoting animal growth, enhancing animal immunity, and improving animal production performance.因此,在动物生产中添加和应用高活性干酵母,不仅可以提高饲料品质和营养价值,还可以提高饲料利用效率,从而促进动物生长,增强动物免疫力,提高动物生产性能。

Highly active dry yeast 活性干酵母 活性干酵母 can completely or partially replace fish meal in feed, providing better cost-effectiveness! If you want to know the price of active dry yeast, please click on the article to contact me!高活性干酵母可以完全或部分替代饲料中的鱼粉,提供更好的成本效益!如果您想了解活性干酵母的价格,请点击文章与我联系!


Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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