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Probiotic beer yeast for animal use

0 Author 2024-08-19 11:22:30

As pet owners, we always strive to provide the best care and nutrition for our four-legged companions. In recent years, many pet owners and experts have turned to brewer's yeast powder as a valuable dietary supplement for their beloved pets. Not only is it a rich source of essential nutrients, but brewer's yeast powder also offers various health benefits that can contribute to the overall wellbeing of our furry friends.作为宠物的主人,我们总是努力为我们的四条腿的伙伴提供最好的照顾和营养。近年来,许多宠物主人和专家都把啤酒酵母粉作为他们心爱宠物的一种有价值的膳食补充剂。它不仅是必需营养素的丰富来源,而且啤酒酵母粉还提供各种健康益处,有助于我们毛茸茸的朋友的整体健康。

What is Brewer's Yeast Powder?什么是啤酒酵母粉?

Brewer's yeast powder is a natural byproduct of the beer brewing process. It is derived from the dried cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a type of fungus commonly used during fermentation. This versatile powder is packed with essential nutrients like B vitamins, protein, minerals (such as zinc and selenium), and antioxidants.啤酒酵母粉是啤酒酿造过程中的天然副产品。它是从酿酒酵母菌的干燥细胞中提取出来的,酿酒酵母菌是发酵过程中常用的一种真菌。这种多功能粉末富含必需营养素,如B族维生素、蛋白质、矿物质(如锌和硒)和抗氧化剂。

Health Benefits for Pets:宠物健康益处:

1. Improved Digestion: Brewer's yeast powder contains probiotics that can aid in maintaining a healthy gut flora for our pets. This can help promote digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and prevent gastrointestinal issues.1. 改善消化:啤酒酵母粉含有益生菌,可以帮助我们的宠物保持健康的肠道菌群。这有助于促进消化,改善营养吸收,防止胃肠道问题。

2. Enhanced Immune System: The presence of B vitamins and antioxidants in brewer's yeast powder can help boost the immune system of our pets, making them less susceptible to infections, allergies, and other immune-related disorders.2. 增强免疫系统:啤酒酵母粉中B族维生素和抗氧化剂的存在可以帮助增强宠物的免疫系统,使它们不容易感染、过敏和其他免疫相关疾病。

3. Skin and Coat Health: Many pet owners have reported a significant improvement in their pets' skin and coat condition after incorporating brewer's yeast powder into their diets. The B vitamins and minerals found in this supplement promote healthy skin and a shiny, lustrous coat.3. 皮肤和皮毛健康:许多宠物主人报告说,在他们的饮食中加入啤酒酵母粉后,他们宠物的皮肤和皮毛状况有了显著改善。维生素B和矿物质在这种补充剂中发现,促进健康的皮肤和光泽,有光泽的皮毛。

4. Flea and Tick Repellent: Brewer's yeast powder contains compounds that produce an odor and taste that repels fleas and ticks. Regular consumption of this supplement can act as a natural deterrent against these pests, reducing the need for chemical-based treatments.4. 跳蚤和蜱虫驱虫剂:啤酒酵母粉含有化合物,产生的气味和味道,击退跳蚤和蜱虫。经常食用这种补充剂可以作为对这些害虫的天然威慑,减少对化学治疗的需求。

5. Stress Relief: Brewer's yeast powder is an excellent source of B vitamins, such as thiamine and niacin. These vitamins are known for their calming and stress-reducing effects on pets, making it a valuable supplement for animals who are prone to anxiety or nervousness.5. 缓解压力:啤酒酵母粉是维生素B的极好来源,如硫胺素和烟酸。众所周知,这些维生素对宠物有镇静和减轻压力的作用,对容易焦虑或紧张的动物来说是一种有价值的补充。

Usage and Dosage: 用法用量:

Brewer's yeast powder is available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and powder. For pets, the most convenient option is powder. It can be easily mixed into their regular meals or sprinkled over their treats.啤酒酵母粉有多种形式,包括胶囊、片剂和粉末。对于宠物来说,最方便的选择是爽身粉。它可以很容易地混合到他们的日常饮食或洒在他们的食物。

The dosage of brewer's yeast powder varies depending on the size and weight of your pet. It is crucial to consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage for your furry friend.啤酒酵母粉的剂量取决于宠物的大小和体重。咨询你的兽医,为你毛茸茸的朋友确定合适的剂量是至关重要的。

Conclusion: 结论:

Incorporating brewer's yeast powder into your pet's diet can provide them with a range of health benefits. From improved digestion and enhanced immunity to a shiny coat and natural flea repellent, this natural supplement offers an all-around boost to your pet's wellbeing. However, it is essential to remember that brewer's yeast powder should be used as a supplement and not as a replacement for a balanced diet. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new dietary changes or supplements to your pet's routine.

If you are interested in the usage and dosage of beer yeast, you can contact us将啤酒酵母粉加入宠物的饮食中可以为它们提供一系列的健康益处。从改善消化和增强免疫力到有光泽的皮毛和天然的驱虫剂,这种天然补充剂为您的宠物的健康提供了全方位的提升。然而,重要的是要记住,啤酒酵母粉应该作为一种补充,而不是作为平衡饮食的替代品。在给你的宠物引入任何新的饮食变化或补充之前,一定要咨询你的兽医。


Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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