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4 tips on how to effectively use probiotics

0 Author 2024-08-16 13:58:45

4 tips for effectively using probiotics有效使用益生菌的4个技巧

Probiotics have been used in the diet of cattle for a long time. But it must be handled correctly in order to be effective.

Bacillus subtilis 枯草芽孢杆菌

In animal bodies, there are many dynamic and powerful bacterial communities that are crucial for productivity and health. Influencing these communities in a positive way can lead to better overall health and productivity. The positive reactions we see in research experiments can even reduce treatment costs. However, you cannot expect amazing results just by adding any probiotics to your diet.在动物体内,有许多动态和强大的细菌群落,对生产力和健康至关重要。以积极的方式影响这些社区可以改善整体健康状况和生产力。我们在研究实验中看到的积极反应甚至可以降低治疗成本。然而,你不能指望仅仅通过在你的饮食中添加任何益生菌就能取得惊人的效果。

There are thousands of strains of yeast and bacteria, each with different effects, sometimes even having no effect at all. To obtain results, we recommend using four main criteria to select probiotics.有成千上万种酵母菌和细菌,每种都有不同的效果,有时甚至根本没有效果。为了获得结果,我们建议使用四个主要标准来选择益生菌。

● Live: Choose probiotics that contain live or live bacteria or yeast. These products have a minimum survival guarantee on the product label.●活菌:选择含有活菌或活菌或酵母的益生菌。这些产品在产品标签上有最低生存保证。

From a trusted manufacturer: Ensure that probiotic activity is maintained throughout the entire manufacturing and distribution process.来自值得信赖的制造商:确保在整个生产和分销过程中保持益生菌活性。

Specific: Probiotics should be specially selected and validated strains used for livestock production or health outcomes.特异性:益生菌应该是专门选择和验证菌株,用于牲畜生产或健康结果。

Daily feeding: Add probiotics to livestock feed daily to maintain effective levels.日饲:在牲畜饲料中每日添加益生菌,保持有效水平。

Firstly, probiotics must be live when consumed by animals.

As is well known, probiotic microorganisms must be live or active in order to have an impact on the microbial community of animal digestive systems. In fact, many government agencies only approve performance statements when probiotic microorganisms are alive, such as to increase milk production or feed efficiency.

Next, probiotics should be purchased from reputable manufacturers. He said that harsh conditions and improper handling can harm these beneficial organisms. Each yeast or bacterial strain has its unique growth, processing, and storage preferences. Therefore, manufacturers must ensure that their best performing probiotics are pure, consistently produced, and strategically packaged to maximize product quality and performance, up to the point of feed stacking.其次,益生菌应该从信誉良好的制造商购买。他说,恶劣的环境和不当的处理会伤害这些有益的生物。每种酵母菌或细菌菌株都有其独特的生长、加工和储存偏好。因此,制造商必须确保其最佳性能的益生菌是纯净的,持续生产的,并有策略地包装,以最大限度地提高产品质量和性能,直到饲料堆叠。

Thirdly, these products must be specifically selected based on expected outcomes. Some probiotics stimulate the bacterial population of animals in specific ways. For example, one probiotic strain can stimulate immune function, while another can improve feed efficiency. For centuries, beer yeast has been used for baking, brewing, human and livestock nutrition, and even for biofuel production. It exists in thousands of species, but not all species have the same function.第三,必须根据预期结果具体选择这些产品。一些益生菌以特定的方式刺激动物体内的细菌数量。例如,一种益生菌可以刺激免疫功能,而另一种益生菌可以提高饲料效率。几个世纪以来,啤酒酵母一直用于烘焙、酿造、人类和牲畜营养,甚至用于生物燃料生产。它存在于成千上万的物种中,但并非所有物种都具有相同的功能。

For example, it has been proven to be more effective in positively impacting the health of cattle and pigs, especially during periods of stress. Another brewing yeast strain CNCM I-1077 has been shown to optimize rumen function by actively increasing rumen pH and fiber digestibility in cattle.例如,它已被证明对牛和猪的健康产生更有效的积极影响,特别是在压力时期。另一种酿酒酵母菌株CNCM I-1077通过积极提高瘤胃pH和纤维消化率来优化瘤胃功能。例如,它已被证明对牛和猪的健康产生更有效的积极影响,特别是在压力时期。另一种酿酒酵母菌株CNCM I-1077通过积极提高瘤胃pH和纤维消化率来优化瘤胃功能。

Other bacteria and probiotics have been proven to have special effects on livestock. A strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus (strain BT-1386) has been shown to reduce the incidence of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in cattle raised on farms.其他细菌和益生菌已被证明对牲畜有特殊作用。一种嗜酸乳杆菌菌株(BT-1386菌株)已被证明可减少农场饲养的牛中大肠杆菌O157: H7的发病率。

Finally, producers must add probiotics daily to maintain sufficiently high levels to see benefits in animals. Living probiotics usually do not colonize or colonize in the digestive system of animals, so consuming probiotics daily can ensure an appropriate amount of microorganisms to complete the expected work.最后,生产者必须每天添加益生菌,以保持足够高的水平,以使动物受益。活的益生菌通常不会在动物的消化系统中定植或定植,因此每天食用益生菌可以保证适量的微生物完成预期的工作。

There are four key factors to obtaining positive results from the use of probiotics. They are seemingly straightforward and simple steps, but when applied to probiotics, they unleash the power of these small microorganisms to improve animal health and productivity.从使用益生菌中获得积极结果有四个关键因素。这些看似直接简单的步骤,但当应用于益生菌时,它们释放了这些小微生物的力量,以改善动物的健康和生产力。

If you are interested in probiotics for animal use, you can contact us如果您对动物用益生菌感兴趣,可以联系我们


Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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