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Effect of Active Dry Yeast on Ruminant Animals

0 Author 2024-07-11 10:17:31

Product efficacy 产品功效: 产品功效:

1. Active dry yeast Improve the palatability of ruminant feed, promote the intake of roughage for ruminant animals, and increase feed conversion rate1. 改善反刍动物饲料的适口性,促进反刍动物对粗饲料的采食量,提高饲料转化率

2. Improve the rumen microbiota environment, promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, reduce the occurrence of clinical and latent acidosis, and reduce bacterial diarrhea2. 改善瘤胃菌群环境,促进有益菌增殖,减少临床及潜伏性酸中毒的发生,减少细菌性腹泻

3. Improve the ecological environment of the digestive tract, promote digestion and absorption as well as fecal formation, reduce overfeeding, reduce harmful gas emissions from feces, and improve the breeding environment3. 改善消化道生态环境,促进消化吸收和粪便形成,减少过度饲养,减少粪便有害气体排放,改善养殖环境

4. Active dry yeast Increase postpartum food intake, improve negative energy balance in early lactation, increase milk production, milk protein rate, milk fat rate, prolong the duration of lactation peak, and improve reproductive performance;4. 增加产后食物摄入量,改善泌乳早期负能量平衡,提高产奶量、乳蛋白率、乳脂率,延长泌乳高峰持续时间,提高繁殖性能;

5. Reduce the number of somatic cells in cows and reduce the occurrence of occult and clinical mastitis;5. 减少奶牛体内体细胞数量,减少隐匿性和临床乳腺炎的发生;

6. Promote the improvement and development of the immune system, enhance the immune function of animals themselves, and enhance their ability to resist stress6. 促进免疫系统的完善和发育,增强动物自身的免疫功能,增强其抗应激能力

7. Promote neural and endocrine regulation, reduce drug use7. 促进神经和内分泌调节,减少吸毒

8. Not sensitive to the ten commonly used antibiotics and does not affect the normal addition of antibiotics in feed;8. 对十种常用抗生素不敏感,不影响饲料中抗生素的正常添加;

9. Promote the growth of beef cattle and sheep, and reduce the feed to meat ratio;9. 促进肉牛、肉羊生长,降低料肉比;

10. It is a natural additive that animals do not develop tolerance to, and normal use has no side effects10. 它是一种天然添加剂,动物不会产生耐受性,正常使用也没有副作用

Usage and dosage (calculated as supplementary material per ton of refined material)使用量及用量(按每吨精料补料计算)使用量及用量(按每吨精料补料计算)

Calves: 0.5-1kg/t Cows Perinatal period: 0.5-1kg/t Cows lactation peak period: 0.5kg/t犊牛:0.5-1kg/t奶牛围产期:0.5-1kg/t奶牛泌乳高峰期:0.5kg/t

Fattening period for beef cattle: 0.5-1kg/t, calves: 1kg/t, sheep: 0.5-1kg/t育肥期:肉牛0.5-1kg/t,犊牛1kg/t,绵羊0.5-1kg/t育肥期:肉牛0.5-1kg/t,犊牛1kg/t,绵羊0.5-1kg/t育肥期:肉牛0.5-1kg/t,犊牛1kg/t,绵羊0.5-1kg/t育肥期:肉牛0.5-1kg/t,犊牛1kg/t,绵羊0.5-1kg/t

7. Packaging: 5kg/bag, 10kg/box, vacuum aluminum foil packaging7. 包装:5kg/袋,10kg/盒,真空铝箔包装

8. Shelf life: Store in a cool and dry place, Shelf life: 24 months8. 保质期:置于阴凉干燥处保存,保质期:24个月

Attention: After unsealing, it should be used up as soon as possible, otherwise yeast activity will gradually decrease

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Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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