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Active dry yeast is an important aid for aquaculture

0 Author 2024-07-12 15:20:50

Active dry yeast is an important aid for aquaculture活性干酵母是水产养殖的重要助剂

Mechanism of action: 作用机理:

1, blastocystis facultative anaerobic bacteria in water body can grow well1、囊虫兼性厌氧菌在水体中能很好地生长

2, help digestion, and inhibition of aquatic animal waste and pollution of bait of harmful gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, and change2、有助于消化、抑制水生动物粪便和污染饵料的氨、硫化氢等有害气体,并发生变化

Good water quality 水质好

3, promote the aquatic animal digestive tract beneficial bacteria to breed and improve its energy, improving the structure of the digestive tract environment and flora, keep moving3、促进水生动物消化道有益菌的繁殖,提高其能量,改善消化道环境和菌群结构,保持活力

Gastrointestinal PH stability胃肠道PH稳定

4, promote the aquatic animal digestive system the secretion of various digestive enzymes, improve the utilization rate of aquatic animals to feed;4、促进水生动物消化系统各种消化酶的分泌,提高水生动物对饲料的利用率;

5, can adsorption aquatic animal pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, inhibition of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines of adhesion and engraftment, reduce the disease5、能吸附水生动物消化道内的致病菌,抑制致病菌在肠道内的粘连和着床,减少发病

6, with competitive combination of intestinal pathogenic bacteria produce toxins in the binding site, to help eliminate toxins;6、与肠道病原菌竞争结合,在结合部位产生毒素,帮助排除毒素;

7, can effectively improve the activity of interferon and macrophage, strengthen the body's nonspecific immunity and disease resistance7、能有效提高干扰素和巨噬细胞的活性,增强机体的非特异性免疫力和抗病能力

Product efficacy: 产品功效:

1. Improve the growth rate and survival rate of aquatic animal seedlings.1. 提高水生动物幼苗的生长速度和成活率。

2. Improve the resistance of aquatic animals to environmental stress factors.2. 提高水生动物对环境应激因子的抵抗力。

3. Promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, improve the activity of digestive enzymes, promote the digestion of feed, and reduce the feeding coefficient.3. 促进消化道有益菌繁殖,提高消化酶活性,促进饲料消化,降低饲养系数。

4. Effectively enhance phagocytic activity of white blood cells, lysozyme activity, and enhance the non-specific immune function of aquatic animals.4. 有效增强白细胞的吞噬活性、溶菌酶活性,增强水生动物的非特异性免疫功能。

The use of antibiotics; 抗生素的使用;

4. It is a natural additive, and the animal does not produce tolerance, and the normal use has no side effects.4. 是一种天然添加剂,对动物不产生耐受性,正常使用无副作用。

5. Ten types of antibiotics are not sensitive to commonly used antibiotics, which does not affect the normal addition of antibiotics in the feed.5. 十类抗生素对常用抗生素不敏感,不影响饲料中抗生素的正常添加。

Usage amount (calculated with feed per ton)使用量(以每吨饲料计算)

Fish, crab, shrimp 1-2kg/t.鱼、蟹、虾1-2kg/t。

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Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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