Rhodopseudomonas palustris Liquid
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The role of photosynthetic bacteria

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The role of photosynthetic bacteria光合细菌的作用

Purifying water quality 净化水水质

With the development of aquaculture, the unit yield of aquaculture has significantly increased, but water quality pollution is severe, especially in the later stages of aquaculture. The high content of organic matter, ammonia, and nitrite in the water seriously affects the growth of fish. After being applied to water, photosynthetic bacteria can degrade residual feed, fish feces, and other organic matter in the water; At the same time, it can also absorb and utilize harmful substances such as ammonia, nitrite, and hydrogen sulfide in water. The application of photosynthetic bacteria can effectively avoid the accumulation of solid organic matter and harmful substances, playing a role in purifying water quality.随着水产养殖的发展,水产养殖的单产显著提高,但水质污染严重,特别是在养殖后期。水体中有机物、氨、亚硝酸盐含量高,严重影响鱼类生长。光合细菌施于水中后,可降解水中残留的饲料、鱼粪等有机物;同时,它还能吸收和利用水中的氨、亚硝酸盐、硫化氢等有害物质。光合细菌的应用可以有效避免固体有机物和有害物质的积累,起到净化水质的作用。

The photosynthetic bacteria used in aquaculture are mainly some varieties of phototrophic Rhodospirillaceae, such as Rhodop pseudomonas palustris;水产养殖中使用的光合细菌主要是一些光养红螺旋科的品种,如古假单胞Rhodop;

In nature, freshwater and seawater usually contain nearly a hundred PSB bacteria per milliliter. The photosynthetic bacteria use organic acids, amino acids, ammonia, carbohydrates, and hydrogen sulfide as oxygen donors, and obtain energy through photosynthetic phosphorylation. Under light conditions in water, they can directly degrade organic matter and hydrogen sulfide, allowing them to proliferate and purify the water.在自然界中,淡水和海水通常每毫升含有近百个PSB细菌。光合细菌利用有机酸、氨基酸、氨、碳水化合物和硫化氢作为供氧体,并通过光合磷酸化获得能量。在水中的光照条件下,它们可以直接降解有机物和硫化氢,使它们增殖并净化水。

feed additive  饲料添加剂

Photosynthetic bacteria are a type of bacteria with abundant nutrients and high nutritional value. The bacterial body contains abundant amino acids, folate, B-group vitamins, especially high levels of vitamin B12 and biotin, as well as physiological active substances such as coenzyme Q. The volume of photosynthetic bacteria is one twentieth of that of Chlorella, making it particularly suitable as an opening bait for newly hatched fish. Using photosynthetic bacteria as opening bait can significantly improve the survival rate of fish fry. Photosynthetic bacteria can also be added as feed additives in feed. The enzymes contained in photosynthetic bacteria can promote the digestion and absorption of feed by fish, improve feed utilization efficiency, reduce feed coefficient, and significantly improve fish growth rate.光合细菌是一类营养丰富、营养价值高的细菌。细菌体内含有丰富的氨基酸、叶酸、b族维生素,特别是维生素B12和生物素含量高,还有辅酶q等生理活性物质。光合细菌的体积是小球藻的二十分之一,特别适合作为刚孵化的鱼的开饵。以光合细菌作为开饵,可显著提高鱼苗成活率。光合细菌也可作为饲料添加剂添加到饲料中。光合细菌中所含的酶能促进鱼类对饲料的消化吸收,提高饲料利用效率,降低饲料系数,显著提高鱼类生长速度。

Reduce fish diseases 减少鱼类疾病

After being applied to water, photosynthetic bacteria rapidly proliferate and become the dominant bacterial population in the water, which not only improves water quality but also inhibits the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria, reduces the number of harmful bacteria, and thus reduces the occurrence of fish diseases. The disease prevention effect of photosynthetic bacteria is very effective.施用于水中后,光合细菌迅速繁殖,成为水中的优势菌群,不仅改善了水质,而且抑制了有害细菌的生长和繁殖,减少了有害细菌的数量,从而减少了鱼类疾病的发生。光合细菌的防病作用非常有效。



Cultivating beneficial algae培育有益藻类培育有益藻类


After the application of photosynthetic bacteria in the water, algae that fish like diatoms and Chlorella like to feed on become dominant algae, while harmful algae such as blue-green algae are inhibited. Photosynthetic bacteria can extensively utilize ammonia nitrogen in water, effectively avoiding the production of algal blooms, such as the proliferation of blue-green algae.在水中施用光合细菌后,鱼类如硅藻、小球藻等喜欢捕食的藻类成为优势藻类,而蓝绿藻等有害藻类则受到抑制。光合细菌可以广泛利用水中的氨氮,有效地避免了蓝藻繁殖等藻华的产生。


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