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What are the functions of allicin in animal husbandry?

0 Author 2024-09-14 08:51:10

    Garlic is a familiar food to us, but do you know what allicin is? Allicin is a compound extracted from the garlic bulb of garlic, and its main component is organic sulfur, which is found in onions and other plants of the Allium genus. So why use allicin? What are the functions of allicin in animal husbandry? Let's learn about it together!大蒜对我们来说是一种熟悉的食物,但你知道大蒜素是什么吗?大蒜素是从大蒜的球茎中提取的一种化合物,其主要成分是有机硫,在洋葱和其他葱属植物中都有发现。那么为什么要用大蒜素呢?大蒜素在畜牧业中的作用是什么?让我们一起学习吧!

Why is allicin used in aquaculture?为什么在水产养殖中使用大蒜素?

    1. Prevent feed mold and ensure feed quality. Allicin can effectively inhibit and kill common molds in feed, including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, etc., and has significant anti mold effects. At the same time, volatile sulfur-containing compounds in allicin can emit garlic odor, which can repel mosquitoes and flies, prevent secondary pollution of feed, and effectively improve the shelf life and quality of feed.1. 防止进料发霉,保证进料质量。大蒜素能有效抑制和杀灭饲料中常见的霉菌,包括黄曲霉、黑曲霉、烟曲霉等,具有显著的抗霉效果。同时,大蒜素中挥发性含硫化合物能散发大蒜气味,能驱蚊、驱蝇,防止饲料二次污染,有效提高饲料的保质期和质量。

    2. Increase feed intake and improve feed efficiency. Allicin has a strong garlic aroma, which is enjoyed by most livestock and is a good seasoning. At the same time, the garlic aroma can mask the unpleasant odors of raw materials such as rapeseed meal and meat and bone meal in feed, improve palatability, and increase animal feed intake. Allicin can enhance the secretion of gastric juice and gastrointestinal motility in animals, stimulate appetite, and promote digestion. Research has shown that adding 5% garlic powder to the diet of growing and fattening pigs can increase daily weight gain by more than 5%; Adding garlic oil to feed can improve the egg laying performance of laying hens and reduce the feed egg ratio; Adding 0.06% allicin to the diet can significantly increase the feed intake of broiler chickens.2. 增加采食量,提高饲料效率。大蒜素具有浓郁的蒜香,为大多数家畜所喜爱,是一种很好的调味料。同时,大蒜的香气可以掩盖饲料中油菜籽粕、肉骨粉等原料的难闻气味,提高适口性,增加动物采食量。大蒜素能增强动物胃液分泌和胃肠蠕动,刺激食欲,促进消化。研究表明,在生长肥育猪日粮中添加5%的大蒜粉可使日增重提高5%以上;饲料中添加大蒜油可以提高蛋鸡的产蛋性能,降低料蛋比;饲粮中添加0.06%的大蒜素可显著提高肉仔鸡的采食量。

    3. Wide sterilization range, enhancing the body's immunity. Allicin is a natural broad-spectrum antibacterial substance that acts similarly to antibiotics. Allicin has a good killing effect on various pathogenic microorganisms such as Staphylococcus, Bacteroides, and Salmonella, and has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on animal borne enteritis, dysentery, and coccidiosis. At the same time, allicin participates in cellular immunity, promotes its metabolism, enhances cell vitality, and has a promoting effect on the body's immune function,3. 杀菌范围广,增强机体免疫力。大蒜素是一种天然的广谱抗菌物质,作用与抗生素相似。大蒜素对葡萄球菌、拟杆菌、沙门氏菌等多种病原微生物有良好的杀灭作用,对动物源性肠炎、痢疾、球虫病等有良好的防治作用。同时,大蒜素参与细胞免疫,促进其代谢,增强细胞活力,对机体免疫功能有促进作用。

    4. Improve the environment for livestock and poultry breeding. Allicin can emit the scent of garlic, preventing secondary contamination of feed by mosquitoes and flies; In animal bodies, allicin is broken down by enzymes to produce allicin, which is excreted in the form of feces and urine, effectively preventing mosquitoes and flies from reproducing in feces; Spraying allicin solution outside of livestock and poultry and inside the pens can effectively remove mosquitoes and flies, and improve the quality of the environment inside and outside the pens.4. 改善畜禽养殖环境。大蒜素可以散发大蒜的香味,防止饲料被蚊子和苍蝇二次污染;在动物体内,蒜素经酶分解产生蒜素,蒜素以粪便和尿液的形式排出体外,有效防止蚊、蝇在粪便中繁殖;在畜禽外、栏内喷洒大蒜素溶液,可有效除蚊除蝇,改善栏内外环境质量。

    5. Widely applicable and highly secure. Allicin has a wide range of applications and can effectively kill various molds, bacteria, and viruses. It has good effects whether fed or used in vitro; Allicin can be used for disease prevention and control in almost all livestock, poultry, and aquaculture. Allicin is a natural antibacterial substance and a commonly used substitute for antibiotics. So far, no strains resistant to allicin have been found in animal bodies, so it is not easy to develop resistance. Meanwhile, allicin has no accumulation effect in animal bodies and has extremely low residual levels in the body; Allicin does not cause deformities or mutations, so it can be used for a long time in livestock and poultry breeding.5. 适用范围广,安全性高。大蒜素应用广泛,能有效杀灭各种霉菌、细菌、病毒。无论是饲养还是体外使用均有良好的效果;大蒜素可用于几乎所有畜禽和水产养殖业的疾病预防和控制。大蒜素是一种天然抗菌物质,是常用的抗生素替代品。到目前为止,还没有在动物体内发现对大蒜素耐药的菌株,因此不容易产生耐药性。同时,大蒜素在动物体内无蓄积作用,体内残留水平极低;大蒜素不会引起畸形或突变,因此可以长期用于畜禽养殖。

    6. Low price, low dosage, and good effect. The allicin used in aquaculture is generally made from artificially synthesized garlic oil as raw material, adsorbed on a certain carrier, and mainly composed of propylene disulfide and propylene disulfide. The production technology is mature and the production cost is low. The dosage of allicin used is also relatively low. Generally, adding 20-100 grams of allicin per ton to livestock and poultry feed can achieve good feeding effects. Allicin has no compatibility contraindications and can be used together with antibiotics without producing antagonistic effects.6. 价格低,用量少,效果好。水产养殖中使用的大蒜素一般是以人工合成的大蒜油为原料,吸附在一定载体上,主要由二硫化丙烯和二硫化丙烯组成。生产技术成熟,生产成本低。大蒜素的用量也相对较少。一般在畜禽饲料中每吨添加20-100克大蒜素,即可达到良好的饲养效果。大蒜素无配伍禁忌症,可与抗生素合用而不产生拮抗作用。

What are the functions of allicin in animal husbandry?大蒜素在畜牧业中的作用是什么?

    1. Effect on pigs: Pig skin and fur are shiny, the body is healthy, and the meat quality is significantly improved. It has an effect on piglets, fattening pigs, diarrhea, pneumonia, etc.1. 对猪的作用:猪的皮肤和皮毛有光泽,身体健康,肉质明显改善。对仔猪、肥猪、腹泻、肺炎等有影响。

    2. Applied to poultry: accelerates the growth of chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry, shortens the feed cycle, improves meat quality, and has a preventive effect on avian dysentery, respiratory diseases, and coccidiosis.2. 用于家禽:加速鸡、鸭、鹅等家禽生长,缩短饲料周期,改善肉质,对禽痢疾、呼吸道疾病、球虫病有预防作用。

    3. Applied to aquatic products: Improve the feed conversion rate of fish, shrimp, and crabs, and accelerate their growth. It has a good effect on gill rot, red spots, enteritis, and bleeding caused by infections in fish, shrimp, and crabs.3. 用于水产品:提高鱼、虾、蟹的饲料转化率,促进其生长。对鱼、虾、蟹等因感染引起的鳃腐病、红斑、肠炎、出血等有很好的疗效。

    4. Applied to cattle and sheep: increases their appetite, makes their physique stronger, significantly improves meat quality, and has an effect on diarrhea, enteritis, and other conditions.4. 用于牛羊:增加其食欲,使其体质更强,显著改善肉质,对腹泻、肠炎等病症有效果。

The above is "Why is allicin used in animal husbandry? What are the functions of allicin in animal husbandry. Allicin has many benefits in animal husbandry, but it should not be used in large quantities or for a long time. It should be used in moderation.以上是“为什么大蒜素用于畜牧业?”大蒜素在畜牧业中的作用是什么?大蒜素在畜牧业中有许多好处,但不宜大量或长时间使用。应该适度使用。



    If you are interested in allicin, you can contact us如果您对大蒜素感兴趣,可以联系我们如果您对大蒜素感兴趣,可以联系我们


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