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Today we will take a look at how allicin works and how to use it

0 Author 2024-08-23 10:30:14

Today we will take a look at how allicin 蒜素 works and how to use it今天我们就来看看大蒜素是如何起作用的以及如何使用它

Allicin is a natural active substance extracted from garlic, which has a wide range of biological activities and health benefits. The use of allicin in feed additives can bring the following benefits:大蒜素是从大蒜中提取的一种天然活性物质,具有广泛的生物活性和保健功效。在饲料添加剂中使用大蒜素可以带来以下好处:

1. Antibacterial effect: 1. 抗菌效果:Allicin has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and can inhibit the growth and reproduction of various bacteria, fungi, and parasites, reducing the risk of animal infection with these pathogens.1. 抗菌作用:大蒜素具有广谱抗菌活性,能抑制各种细菌、真菌、寄生虫的生长繁殖,降低动物感染这些病原体的风险。

2. Immune regulation: 2. 免疫调节: Allicin promotes the function of animal immune system and enhances the body's ability to resist diseases. It can increase the number and activity of white blood cells, enhance antibody production, and improve the effectiveness of cellular and humoral immunity.2. 免疫调节:大蒜素促进动物免疫系统功能,增强机体抵抗疾病的能力。它可以增加白细胞的数量和活性,增强抗体的产生,提高细胞和体液免疫的有效性。

3. Promoting growth: 3. 促进经济增长:Allicin 蒜素 can promote the growth and development of animals. It can improve feed utilization, increase animal absorption and utilization of nutrients, thereby promoting weight gain and muscle growth.3. 促进生长:大蒜素能促进动物生长发育。能提高饲料利用率,增加动物对营养物质的吸收和利用,从而促进体重增加和肌肉生长。

4. Antioxidant activity: 4. 抗氧化活性:Allicin has significant antioxidant activity, which can clear free radicals in the body and reduce the impact of oxidative stress on animal health. This helps to enhance the antioxidant capacity of animals, reduce inflammatory reactions, and protect cells from oxidative damage.4. 抗氧化活性:大蒜素具有显著的抗氧化活性,可以清除体内自由基,减少氧化应激对动物健康的影响。这有助于增强动物的抗氧化能力,减少炎症反应,保护细胞免受氧化损伤。

5. Promote healthy digestion: Allicin improves feed digestion and absorption by increasing the secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes, promoting the function of the animal digestive system. It can also reduce harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and maintain the balance of intestinal microbiota.5. 促进消化健康:大蒜素通过增加胃液和消化酶的分泌,促进饲料的消化吸收,促进动物消化系统的功能。还可以减少胃肠道中的有害细菌,维持肠道菌群的平衡。

Now that we have seen its effectiveness, let's take a look at how to use it现在我们已经看到了它的有效性,让我们来看看如何使用它

Allicin can be used as a feed additive in the following ways:大蒜素可通过以下几种方式作为饲料添加剂使用:

1. Direct addition: Allicin is directly added to the feed. This can be in liquid or powder form of allicin. According to the formula of the feed and the needs of the animals, mix allicin evenly into the feed at the recommended addition rate.1. 直接添加:饲料中直接添加大蒜素。这可以是液体或粉末形式的大蒜素。根据饲料配方和动物需要,按推荐添加率将大蒜素均匀混入饲料中。

2. Coating treatment: Apply allicin 蒜素 onto the surface of feed pellets. This can be achieved through spraying or impregnation. Coating treatment can slowly release allicin and prolong its release time in the digestive tract.2. 包衣处理:在饲料颗粒表面涂上大蒜素。这可以通过喷涂或浸渍来实现。包衣处理可以缓慢释放大蒜素,延长其在消化道中的释放时间。

3. Premix addition: Allicin is pre mixed with other feed additives to form a premix before being added to the feed. This method ensures that allicin is evenly mixed with other additives, facilitating subsequent feed processing and use.3. 预混添加:大蒜素与其他饲料添加剂进行预混,形成预混料后再添加到饲料中。这种方法保证了大蒜素与其他添加剂混合均匀,便于后续饲料加工和使用。

If you are interested in allicin, you can click on the article "Allicin 蒜素" to learn more如果你对大蒜素感兴趣,可以点击文章“大蒜素”了解更多


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