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On the testing of yeast probiotics in cattle feeding to reduce the incidence of

0 Author 2024-08-21 09:31:55

On the testing of yeast probiotics in cattle feeding to reduce the incidence of cattle diseases酵母益生菌在牛饲养中降低牛疾病发病率的试验研究

Testing yeast 测试酵母 supplements酵母补充剂测试

While antibiotics remain the treatment of choice for BRD, growing concern about the use of antibiotics in food animal production and the subsequent impact on antibiotic resistance has facilitated the testing of other alternatives, such as yeast probiotics and purified yeast fractions. The cattle selected for testing consisted of 120 heifers and 120 bulls, arriving in batches 1 week apart. The animals were then vaccinated against clostridial disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and bovine viral diarrhea vaccine (BVD) and dewormed before being randomly assigned to their respective grazing pastures, divided into groups of 15 heifers each, distributed among 16 pasture blocks. Calves were also randomly assigned to either the control or supplementation group.虽然抗生素仍然是BRD的首选治疗方法,但人们越来越关注在食用动物生产中使用抗生素及其对抗生素耐药性的影响,这促进了对酵母益生菌和纯化酵母馏分等其他替代品的测试。选择用于检测的牛包括120头小母牛和120头公牛,每批间隔一周到达。接种梭状芽孢杆菌病、牛传染性鼻气管炎(IBR)、牛呼吸道合胞病毒(BRSV)和牛病毒性腹泻疫苗(BVD)并驱虫后,随机分配到各自放牧的牧场,每组15头母牛,分布在16个牧场。犊牛也被随机分为对照组和补充组。

A total of 120 animals in the control group were fed a basal diet, while animals in the supplementation group were fed a basal diet plus Actisaf Sc 47 and Safmannan supplements. The dose of each supplement was 5g/head/day. Consistent with the focus of the trial seeking to assess the potential of both supplements to help reduce antibiotic use in the treatment of BRD, the amount of antibiotics used during the trial, when necessary, was recorded and distributed to all test animals. This allowed the cost of antibiotics used to be calculated based on an average of one calf.对照组120只饲喂基础饲粮,添加组在基础饲粮的基础上添加Actisaf Sc 47和Safmannan。每次补充剂量为5g/头/天。试验的重点是评估这两种补充剂帮助减少BRD治疗中抗生素使用的潜力,与此一致的是,试验期间的抗生素使用量在必要时被记录并分发给所有试验动物。这使得抗生素的成本可以根据一头小牛的平均成本来计算。

Monitoring the effects on all cattle监测对所有牛的影响

Twenty-eight days after their arrival at the trial site, all cattle were removed from the pasture and weighed individually. Blood samples were also collected at this time to show antibody production against bovine rhinotracheitis infection. These same procedures were repeated on day 56, but no blood was collected.到达试验地点28天后,所有的牛被从牧场移走并单独称重。在这个时候也采集了血液样本,以显示对牛鼻气管炎感染的抗体产生。在第56天重复同样的程序,但不采集血液。

The final performance results for the supplemented animals showed an average daily gain (ADG) of +60 gr compared to the control animals, representing an 11.3% ADG advantage for the supplemented calves.最终生产性能结果显示,与对照动物相比,补充犊牛的平均日增重(ADG)为60克,平均日增重提高11.3%。

In terms of weight advantage, the supplemented animals gained 3.3 kg over the control animals measured at day 56, representing a 1.6% benefit of the supplementation method over the trial period.在体重优势方面,在第56天,添加饲料的动物比对照组动物增加了3.3 kg,在试验期间,添加饲料的动物增加了1.6%。

Proven to reduce costs 被证明可以降低成本

Treatment success, which represents the percentage of animals that responded to the first treatment and did not require subsequent retreatment, was significantly higher in the supplemented group compared to the control group at +9.5%.治疗成功率,即对第一次治疗有反应且不需要后续再治疗的动物百分比,在补充组中显著高于对照组的9.5%。

In terms of health costs, the trial concluded that the treatment cost per ranch group was reduced by $20.58 during the second treatment phase. This corresponds to a cost reduction of 53.4%.在保健费用方面,试验得出结论,在第二个治疗阶段,每个牧场组的治疗费用减少了20.58美元。这相当于成本降低了53.4%。

Based on the numerical data from the 56-day study, the calculated return on investment (ROI) for supplemental heifers was $7.12 per head.根据为期56天的研究的数值数据,计算出的补充小母牛的投资回报率(ROI)为每头7.12美元。

Performance and economic benefits性能和经济效益

Final trial conclusions included comments that supplementation with Actisaf Sc 47 and Safmannan improved performance, treatment success and recovery from morbidity, while reducing treatment costs to improve profitability最终的试验结论包括补充Actisaf Sc 47和Safmannan的评论,这些评论提高了疗效、治疗成功率和发病率的恢复,同时降低了治疗成本,提高了盈利能力

If you have any ideas about feeding other probiotics 益生菌 to cows, you can contact us to discuss and learn together. We have a comprehensive range of animal feed with probiotics added如果您对奶牛喂养其他益生菌有任何想法,可以联系我们一起讨论和学习。我们有各种添加了益生菌的动物饲料


Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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