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Compound Probiotics for pond water purification

0 Author 2024-09-02 09:39:04

I,Ingredients: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus pumilus and other suitable carriers.


II,Live bacteria content :二、活菌含量:

2*1010cfu/g,1*1011 cfu/g

III,Product function: 3、产品功能:

1).Degradation of organic pollutants in water, improve a variety of bad water color (such as old green water, rust water, black odor water, white cloudy water, etc.)1).降解水中有机污染物,改善各种不良水色(如老绿水、锈水、黑臭水、白色浑浊水等)

2).Decompose the residual baits, excrement, animal and plant carcasses and other organic matter at the bottom of the pool to eliminate the deterioration of the pool, such as blackness, odor, acid and so on.2).对池底残留的饵料、粪便、动植物尸体等有机物进行分解,消除池底发黑、发臭、发酸等劣化现象。

3).Removes ammonia nitrogen (NH3, NH4+) nitrite (NaNO2), hydrogen sulfide (FBS), heavy metal ions and other toxic substances in the water, and restores normal feeding and activities of aquatic animals.3).去除水中氨氮(NH3、NH4)亚硝酸盐(NaNO2)、硫化氢(FBS)、重金属离子等有毒物质,恢复水生动物的正常摄食和活动。

4).This product contains highly effective living bacteria that can produce immune active substances, which is conducive to regulating the immunity of aquatic animals and the ability to resist stress.4)本品含有高效活菌,能产生免疫活性物质,有利于调节水生动物免疫力和抗应激能力。

IV,Scope of application: 四、适用范围:

Fish, shrimp, crab and other sea, fresh water aquaculture animals.鱼、虾、蟹等海、淡水养殖动物。

V,Usage and dosage: 五、用法用量:

Calculated with 20 billion CFU /g content, the dosage of other products can be converted according to actual content.以200亿CFU /g含量计算,其他产品用量可根据实际含量换算。

General use: this product 50-100g can be used in water depth of 1 area*meter,every 10-15 days, can maintain a good water environment.一般用法:本品50-100g可在水深为1面积*米的地方使用,每次使用10-15天,可保持良好的水环境。

Use when water quality deteriorates: this product 100-200g can be used in water depth of 1 area*meter,if serious it can be added to use or continuous use.水质恶化时使用:本品100-200g可在水深1面积*米处使用,严重时可补充使用或连续使用。

Dissolve and dilute this product with appropriate amount of water and then evenly sprinkle the whole pool. It is best to use it with activator. The effect will be better.用适量清水将本品溶解稀释后均匀洒在整个泳池。最好配合活化剂使用。效果会更好。

VI, 6

1.It is best to use this product in the morning on sunny days. If the weather changes within two days after using this product, you must pay attention to increase oxygen in advance.1.本品最好在晴天的早晨使用。如果使用本产品后两天内天气发生变化,一定要注意提前充氧。

2.Before and after the use of this product, avoid external use of insecticidal sterilization drugs.2.本品使用前后,避免外用杀虫杀菌药物。

3.Use the bag as soon as possible after opening it. If the bag cannot be used up at one time, seal the mouth of the bag for preservation.3.打开包装袋后,请尽快使用。如果袋子不能一次用完,密封袋口保存。

VII,Packing: 25kg/ bag. 包装:25kg/袋。


Hebei Shuntian biotechnology Co.,Ltd.

Add:Machang Town,Qing County ,Cangzhou City ,Hebei,China

Tel: +86-317-2135910

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